Employees report sick leaves to Seure via OmaSeure

Please always report your absence to both the workplace and Seure. When notifying the workplace of your absence, make sure whether a substitute is needed.

Notification of sick leave or temporary child-care leave via OmaSeure mobile app

If you fall ill or your child falls ill, please report your absence to Seure via OmaSeure. Report your absence immediately.

In OmaSeure you can report the following:

  • Same-day or next day absences.
  • Three days of absence within a week.

In other cases of absence, please contact Seure’s telephone service.

Notification via OmaSeure

Log in to the OmaSeure app and go to the Koti tab > Pikatoiminnot > Ilmoita poissaolo. The app will show you the jobs for which you can report absence. Choose the right one and send a notification of absence. You will receive an acknowledgement via OmaSeure message after your absence notification has been processed – please be patient and wait for the reply message!

Reporting illness by telephone

If the OmaSeure notification is unsuccessful or the absence is due to a reason other than the acute sick leave or child’s illness as described above, please always contact our telephone service.

Submitting your sick leave certificate to Seure

Submit the sick leave certificate to Seure within a week from the date of signing the certificate. If you have to send the certificate late due to a reason beyond your control, please notify us via message in OmaSeure.

Please send the sick leave certificate from OmaSeure. You can also send the certificate by mail to the address Seure Henkilöstöpalvelut Oy PL 2, 00501 Helsinki. We do not accept certificates at the Seure office.