Working as an assistant in daycare

The task of the assistant (In Finnish: avustaja, ryhmäavustaja or päiväkotiavustaja) is mainly to assist children who need special support in the day-to-day life of the daycare center by promoting the child’s independency and social interactions.

The child may need help with, for example, dressing, eating and going outside. The assistant can support certain children more than others, but acts as a safe adult for the entire group of children.

As an assistant, you can work in daycares in the capital region through Seure.

The assistant’s job description depends on the needs of the group of children, and the job can be either assisting the entire group or personally assisting one or more children.

The job requires a basic use of Finnish language. Through Seure, you can also work in Swedish-speaking daycares.

Assistant’s salary

Our job advertisements indicate the exact salary or wages with possible bonuses. In gig work (on-demand work), wages are paid twice a month. For gig work, holiday bonus is also paid with the wages. Read more about the wages in Seure.

Suitable background, required permits and certificates

  • A suitable ducation or studies in the field (for example a professional degree in early childhood education, varhaiskasvatuksen ammattitutkinto, or a basic degree in education and guidance, kasvatus- ja ohjausalan perustutkinto, or work experience in the field, or other experience that supports the work.
  • Qualification and employment certificates
  • Criminal records extract