Other jobs in the social welfare and health care sector

Through Seure, you can also work as social welfare professional, ward secretary, radiographer, vaccination nurse, physiotherapist, laboratory tester, child welfare or substance abuse services instructor, service advisor or disability services instructor.

People often start these jobs in a situation where they are already familiar with the workplaces and agree with them to continue to work through Seure. You can also apply for positions through the primary health care or specialised health care application process. We also periodically open an open application for Seure’s health care positions.

Working at schools as a practical nurse

In addition to health care positions, practical nurses are also employed by comprehensive schools in the teaching of children with autism and intellectual disabilities. The job titles in these duties are school attendance counsellor (koulunkäynninohjaaja) and special school attendance counsellor (erityiskoulunkänninohjaaja, oppilashoitaja).

In schools, employment relationships usually last for the entire academic year or term, and there is also plenty of gig work available. You can also work as a pupil assistant or classroom assistant with the training of a practical nurse, without Valvira registration as a practical nurse.